Friday, January 30, 2009

Whatever begins, also ends

For everything there is a reason, And a time for every matter under heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mist around Bromo

From Malang we go to Probolinggo, stop point to go to Cemoro Lawang, with a bus cost Rp. 12000,- . After we arrive, the transportation is available, ELF waiting for another passanger, they won't go unless the passanger is full. We waiting for about 3 hours..and at last they got a tourist passanger with their local couple. 6 people total, we have to pay Rp. 40.000,-. I fell like been fooled. At cemoro Lawang many hotel available, from Rp.60.000,- to expensive. At low season it's kinda hard to look for a jeep, and its kind'a cost you a lot. Normally 1 jeep for Rp. 300.000,- fit for 6 people. but i have to pay Rp. 80.000,- / pax. Later the jeep guy suddenly cancel me from the ride. I don't know why exactly, but it's already happen and we must go to mount Pananjakan for sunrise. It's 11 pm when they told us, and i couldn't find people around again, they already sleep. So i decide to wake up at 3 am, and find "ojek", imagine how cold..Damn!

And you know what?we just see fog from mount pananjakan. Sigh...

But every journey have its own story, riding a bike on sea of sand is trully an exitedment, feels freezing in the middle of the fog, waiting in vain for the transport. If you feel bad there's a word of wisdom "Let it Be"..enjoy every moment..

Passionate Adventurer

Take every moment..
Coz the moment won't repeat..

Take the journey..
Coz you only life once..

This is the time..
Do now or regret later..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ha Long Bay

November 14th 2008

I saw one awesome natural wonders on earth, feels amazing.
I wonder if earth is this beautiful, how bout the heaven?

The mountains, sun, sea, mist, all together gave you this amazing scenery.
Halong Bay has twice been recognize by UNESCO as a for a world heritage area for this scenic beauty. Located in north eastern area of Vietnam, best to get there is from Hanoi.

Take a boat, lay on the rooftop all day long, take a picture with mind and your camera, do kayaking, and enjoy your life.

Local legend has it that long ago when the Vietnamese were fighting Chinese invaders, the gods sent a family of dragons to help defend the land. This family of dragons began spitting out jewels and jade. These jewels turned into the islands and islets dotting the bay, linking together to form a great wall against the invaders. The people kept their land safe and formed what later became the country of Vietnam. After that, dragons were interested in peaceful sightseeing of the Earth and decided to live here then. The place where Mother Dragon flew down was named Hạ Long.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beef Steak Hanoi

Near Hoan Kiem Lake, there's so many guest house and a travel agent that offers you tours to many places in Vietnam. Some are budget tours, some are expensive tours. Once i come to expensive travel agent, and i didn't agree with the prices to get a tour to halong Bay, he oust me and told me to go to Sinh Cafe in the neighborhood with his cocky face.

Many local food available around here, but i think this is the best i could eat here..With fresh cow meat, fresh vegetable, and tasty sauce, you grill it with a paraffin stove, and here you are a beefsteak!

Citadel : Forbidden Purple City

Citadel : Amazing architecture located in northern bank of perfume river, Hue. Once became capital city of the southern kingdom by all Nyuyen Lords and officially became the capital under Tay Son'reign for approximately 400 years.

And trully its amazing and worth to see..
No wonder it is became one of the UNESCO world heritage.

The construction is old and kind'a vintage, surrounded by a little river and the building is so colourfull. It's a pleasure to spend time in this site.
Coz i never seen China Forbidden city yet. Soooo its great site to see.

A little piece of heaven..

Sendang Biru..
Have you ever heard about it?
Sendang biru beach is standard, full of boat, kinda dirty..
So i bet you don't know bout this beach,,

But an island in front of this beach is called Sempu island..
a Wildlife conservation, from outside you will only look a tree, tree, and a tree. But beneath that, after you walk trough the forest, bout 2,5 km (if you come in rainy season you will walk trough the swamp) you,ll see a seawater lake, its really clean, the sand is really white and smooth, and this lake is surrounded by a forest and a cliff which is connect directly to the sea.

This lake is named "segara anak", this island is have a lot of things to see..a lot of good beach, and tropical rain forest. In the other side of the island you can see dolphin swimming in the sea..

"there is a pleasure to have a modern gadget, there is a pleasure to have a great job, there is a pleasure if you have a lot of money, but for me, there is a pleasure to see nature in its best"

Monday, January 26, 2009

Temple of Angkor

When Natural Wonders Meet The Briliant Cilvilization.

When the sun wake up, the temple, the lake, the tree..
They're blend into one amazing scenery..

Im wondering how old civilization can mixed this..
But here we are in the temple of angkor..

Temple of Angkor Wat
It built by Suryavarman II from 1113 to 1150 and known in ancient times as Brah Bisnulok
"the sacred Adobe of Vishnu" was dedicated to second deity of Trimurti.

It placed in Siam Reap Cambodia, where you can meet many accomodation in the city, try Deadfish resto & inn, its quite nice, and you can visit night market near the pub street. You can simplify enjoy time in Cambodia, its unnecessary to change your Dollar, coz they accept dollar rather then Riel.To visit the temple and you can rent bicycle, or hire a tuk-tuk all day long to explore this magnificent temple. Or you can try to walk on this complex, believe me, its bigger than you ever think..

The entry tickets for Angkor Wat is US$ 20 for a day.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Walk Walk and Walk

Thousand miles journey begins in one step..

there's always be the first time..

Just keep on walking..

circle of life..

sometimes its dead and bad

sometimes its alife and beautiful

its just the matter of time..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life
Life, oh life
Oh life, oh life

So after all's said and done
I know I'm not the only one
Life indeed can be fun
If you really want to
Sometimes living out your dreams
Ain't as easy as it seems
You wanna fly around the world
In a beautiful balloon" Des'ree

Livin out your dream ain't easy as it seems...

yapp bener banget,,mengejar mimpi berarti meninggalkan
zona nyaman, berada dalam ketidak pastian, mengejar sesuatu yang belum terlihat, berbeda dari orang lain, menjadi autis bagi orang lain, berada dalam kondisi "minoritas", etc.

But when you reach your dreams with your own energy and mind,
it's undisribe feeling. Feel yourself..AMAZING..

But after all that's life,,so many option, so many risk, it depends on you, wanna take the risk and see a rainbow from above the sky, or put on safety belt for your life and see colour of rainbow only from your fuckin CPU monitor.