Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mist around Bromo

From Malang we go to Probolinggo, stop point to go to Cemoro Lawang, with a bus cost Rp. 12000,- . After we arrive, the transportation is available, ELF waiting for another passanger, they won't go unless the passanger is full. We waiting for about 3 hours..and at last they got a tourist passanger with their local couple. 6 people total, we have to pay Rp. 40.000,-. I fell like been fooled. At cemoro Lawang many hotel available, from Rp.60.000,- to expensive. At low season it's kinda hard to look for a jeep, and its kind'a cost you a lot. Normally 1 jeep for Rp. 300.000,- fit for 6 people. but i have to pay Rp. 80.000,- / pax. Later the jeep guy suddenly cancel me from the ride. I don't know why exactly, but it's already happen and we must go to mount Pananjakan for sunrise. It's 11 pm when they told us, and i couldn't find people around again, they already sleep. So i decide to wake up at 3 am, and find "ojek", imagine how cold..Damn!

And you know what?we just see fog from mount pananjakan. Sigh...

But every journey have its own story, riding a bike on sea of sand is trully an exitedment, feels freezing in the middle of the fog, waiting in vain for the transport. If you feel bad there's a word of wisdom "Let it Be"..enjoy every moment..

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