Sunday, April 5, 2009

Preparation for outdoor activities..

The Philosophy :
1. Leave nothing but footprints
2. Take nothing but picture
3. Kill nothing but time

Individual equipment
>> clothes (quick dry clothes is better)
>> jacket
>> Backpack (big enough to pack all the stuff)
>> Torch + extra battery
>> mosquito cream
>> Sleeping bag
>> Matrass
>> Rain coat
>> Tracking sandals /shoe
>> Sunscreen
>> Survival Knife
>> Water each 3 @ 1,5 L (safety, but depends where youre goin')
>> Camera + Extra Battery
>> energy bar (usually chocolate, "Gula Jawa" is good)

Team equipment :
>> Tent
>> Cooking set + extra fuel
>> Nesting
>> Candle
>> First Aid
>> Logistic (food+snack)
>> Compass (mountainering)
>> Maps
>> Plastic Rope

Itinerary :
when + schedule per day..
what transportation : check public transportation schedule..
Where to go..Check for availability, contact for more information..

And the best plan is no plan..hehe..just venture all..see what destiny will bring you..
thats the art of travelling..whats ahead is different colour..

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