Thursday, August 26, 2010

school of life part 11 : The Wedding

Wedding is a Huge Thing, depends on what you think. when you think hundreds of reason occur to decline the wedding. Mentally is not about ready or not, its about you want that or not. Financially is not a big problem in fact, what matters is your laziness. So choose happiness in front of your head or properity that maybe isn't exist.

I choose first. Just have faith and deal with the world.
Love is greatest foundation, just believe and don't hesitate anything (A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G). <3
Life will find their way itself. Don't bother the future, deal with present.

School of life part 10 : Working

Working is a part of life, either its sucks, funny, hard, easy, usually sucks didn't it?;P
Looking for a living is very cruel in this country, most of us working 9 to 5 for a diploma, high school or bachelor. We just grumble it didn't enough, not enough paid, not enough time to play, etc. But look again, we should be thankful, almost 9 million people (READ again NINE MILLION) are jobless.

Are we Happy for what we living?be happy coz no matter how much your numeration is, you always grumble. We should consider about villager people, even they work hard, get paid maybe 10% from your salary now, they are happy. They grateful for what they have, pray for what they could eat (meat is only special occasion, annually maybe). Are we grateful for what we living?We always pray for things we want but forget to thank's God.

And now working it self, we now that teamwork is one of the things, your pride is manipulate your logic. 2 brain is better than 1 rite?if not rite maybe your brain is Einstein's.