Friday, April 15, 2011

9 Places Next !!

Next 9 :

1. India
2. Nepal
3. R4
4. Derawan
5. Turki
6. Komodo
7. NZ
8. Peru
9. Greece

Fly Fly Fly away my imagination..

School of life part 20 : Worry

"If a problem can be solved there is no use worrying about it. If it can't be solved, worrying will do no good"
Dalai Lama in Seven Years in Tibet

Friday, April 8, 2011

School of life part 19 : Einstein time

"Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere"

Albert Einstein

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

School of life part 18 : Stop smoking

8 days after I Start living without cigarettes i got this..
And end up in the closet..trying to stop..
With Ricola and Frozz..

and now 18 days after, failed for like 7 days..and still fighting..

Stop just stop..

School of life part 17 : Leaving our second home

Our first home ever..
We'll miss you..
Headin' for something better out there, doesn't not what is it yet..
The intuition is flying in the sky..waiting for landing