Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gardenia Country Inn Tomohon is Paradise

Not an ordinary hotel, ordinary resort or's home.
Located in the Highlands of Minahasa, where a peaceful humanity, with a serene circumstances, a large ammount of Oxygen ,with a mountain panorama blended with wooden lodge and blossom adorned makes this a very nice places to live. This place is very inspiring for my future home ' s looked like.
Owned by Ratulangi's descendant they offer a nice home, a lovely welcome will greet you. Seriously this is the best place i've ever lived, the restaurant is also beyond expectation, the Service is good, the Food is awesome.
This Highlands is also offer you a scenic area like the volcanoes (yes two volcanoes around), Lakes (one is second biggest in Indonesia), and many places more. Experienced nature in this lovely places (

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