Sunday, September 19, 2010

School of life part12 : Underwater

Finding Nemo, i thought this cute fish are just exist in the movie, diving at Bunaken and this cute fish so easy to find and so adorable. Not just this clown fish but bunch of school fish are live here.

This deep blue sea is one kind different world, a astonishing sensations. In the middle of the nowhere just dive buddy, BCD (bouyancy control device), scuba tank, regulator, and google with amazing scenery. Who like underwater life should try this sport (read : expensive).

In Indonesia there are many diving providers offers discovery dive with price starts at Rp 400k until Rp 700k. You will get trained in the pool (or direct to the sea), and you will swim under water with bunch of school. Or you should get sertified, there is many organization offers diving licences. Such as PADI International, POSSI-CMAS from Indonesia colaborated with France (which is usually cheapest), SSI, ODS, and many more.

Where ever you stay in Indonesia you should experienced Diving. Indonesia is located at Coral Triangle of the world, 20% of World coral live here. Named it Top Dive Locations in Indonesia :
Bunaken, Lembeh Strait, Wakatobi, Banda, Togeans, Derawan, Tulamben, Alor Island, Komodo Island and of course Raja Ampat. Indonesia is a diving paradise. We who live in this amazing Indonesia should (SHOULD) concerned about polluted waste everywhere. We should take our city clean because this coral have rights to lived and what we do is endangered underwater life.

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