Friday, October 8, 2010

School of life part 15 : Diving

Living when bunaken around is really's legendary..First before you could enjoy underwater you should prepared with licence (discovery is not awesome..), many institution offer diving licence, such as POSSI CMAS, PADI, SSI, ADSI, and many more..the price range offered is different. You can learn in Navy too..its free if you join the squad.
Basicly Diving licence is divided into classes :

1. Open water diver
2. Advanced diver
3. Rescue diver
4. Dive master

Just like in school, but this time you are fish schooling.

In manado you can contact local dive center, they will explain you more about the course. If you wan't the cheaper one, you should try Possi cmas, ask for the coach in Jaya Dive, located at Jl Sam Ratulangi, before Gramedia. In bunaken each dive resort offer the course from 300 Euro to 400 euro for Open Water diver. For SSI they offer 200 -300 Euro. Why in Euro?yeah it's sucks when local people have to face foreign money in their own country.

Maybe just like any outdoor activity, here's my word :

Never dive alone, touch nothing, leave nothing, and kill nothing.

Coz the corals are living organism. Love it, its legendary..

Sunday, September 19, 2010

School of life part14 : You Learn

You grieve you learn
You choke you learn
You laugh you learn
You choose you learn
You pray you learn
You ask you learn
You live you learn

You learn every single second, from walking, talking, cheating, lying, laughing, and everything.
Don't assume you enough to learn. Every day is a new day and you learn more.

School of life part 13 : Photograph part 1 Composing your Photo

Photograph are not defined from your gear, every photo is photograph. Even with your camera, Blackberry, Compact digital camera or Digital SLR. This is an art, and your imagination is a concept. There is satisfaction when you can capture golden moment, wonderful scenery, beautiful face, if you have such feeling and this is your hobby :D. I'm start with composing your photo.
Most photograph needs a focus, subject(s) you like to photo.
Most interest part your eye sees is the blossom tulip in the pond.
Rule of Thirds
Foreground, object and background are 3 things human eyes sees naturally. Divided a picture into three parts (imaginary lines) both vertically and horizontally. This makes your picture more alive. Usually dominant object (you decide what dominant) takes two thirds of the pics.

One thirds bottom is the grass represent foreground, the chapel in the middle and the sky+mountains take three thirds left. Diagonal lines also add interest to the photo.
Depth of Field
DoF shows how much focus (blur) in your pictures, why do you want some blur?
Usually portrait (human or object) use less depth of fields. And Landscape photo use more Depth of Fields.
The duck are less DoF (sharp on object) and the River Depth of Fields are more depth (sharp on foreground and background).
Set One Two Three Click!!

School of life part12 : Underwater

Finding Nemo, i thought this cute fish are just exist in the movie, diving at Bunaken and this cute fish so easy to find and so adorable. Not just this clown fish but bunch of school fish are live here.

This deep blue sea is one kind different world, a astonishing sensations. In the middle of the nowhere just dive buddy, BCD (bouyancy control device), scuba tank, regulator, and google with amazing scenery. Who like underwater life should try this sport (read : expensive).

In Indonesia there are many diving providers offers discovery dive with price starts at Rp 400k until Rp 700k. You will get trained in the pool (or direct to the sea), and you will swim under water with bunch of school. Or you should get sertified, there is many organization offers diving licences. Such as PADI International, POSSI-CMAS from Indonesia colaborated with France (which is usually cheapest), SSI, ODS, and many more.

Where ever you stay in Indonesia you should experienced Diving. Indonesia is located at Coral Triangle of the world, 20% of World coral live here. Named it Top Dive Locations in Indonesia :
Bunaken, Lembeh Strait, Wakatobi, Banda, Togeans, Derawan, Tulamben, Alor Island, Komodo Island and of course Raja Ampat. Indonesia is a diving paradise. We who live in this amazing Indonesia should (SHOULD) concerned about polluted waste everywhere. We should take our city clean because this coral have rights to lived and what we do is endangered underwater life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gardenia Country Inn Tomohon is Paradise

Not an ordinary hotel, ordinary resort or's home.
Located in the Highlands of Minahasa, where a peaceful humanity, with a serene circumstances, a large ammount of Oxygen ,with a mountain panorama blended with wooden lodge and blossom adorned makes this a very nice places to live. This place is very inspiring for my future home ' s looked like.
Owned by Ratulangi's descendant they offer a nice home, a lovely welcome will greet you. Seriously this is the best place i've ever lived, the restaurant is also beyond expectation, the Service is good, the Food is awesome.
This Highlands is also offer you a scenic area like the volcanoes (yes two volcanoes around), Lakes (one is second biggest in Indonesia), and many places more. Experienced nature in this lovely places (

Thursday, August 26, 2010

school of life part 11 : The Wedding

Wedding is a Huge Thing, depends on what you think. when you think hundreds of reason occur to decline the wedding. Mentally is not about ready or not, its about you want that or not. Financially is not a big problem in fact, what matters is your laziness. So choose happiness in front of your head or properity that maybe isn't exist.

I choose first. Just have faith and deal with the world.
Love is greatest foundation, just believe and don't hesitate anything (A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G). <3
Life will find their way itself. Don't bother the future, deal with present.

School of life part 10 : Working

Working is a part of life, either its sucks, funny, hard, easy, usually sucks didn't it?;P
Looking for a living is very cruel in this country, most of us working 9 to 5 for a diploma, high school or bachelor. We just grumble it didn't enough, not enough paid, not enough time to play, etc. But look again, we should be thankful, almost 9 million people (READ again NINE MILLION) are jobless.

Are we Happy for what we living?be happy coz no matter how much your numeration is, you always grumble. We should consider about villager people, even they work hard, get paid maybe 10% from your salary now, they are happy. They grateful for what they have, pray for what they could eat (meat is only special occasion, annually maybe). Are we grateful for what we living?We always pray for things we want but forget to thank's God.

And now working it self, we now that teamwork is one of the things, your pride is manipulate your logic. 2 brain is better than 1 rite?if not rite maybe your brain is Einstein's.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

school of life part 9 : care

am i care enough?
do you care enough?

we cannot judge such things. just don't give up and have faith in me.

no matter what i'll definitely care, i can assure you.