Sunday, June 21, 2009

a trip long time ago to Badui..

Badui..i just remembered about this village, coz ive been to Loksado recently, Dayak Meratus Village, the surrounding village is like the same, the river, the bamboo bridge, the house from bamboo and traditional wood house..the different is Badui is separated into 2 region, Badui luar and Badui dalam, Badui luar already accept technology and prohibited to use that,,they usually ex Badui dalam, BAdui dalam is completely dont accept technology such as Handphone, Camera, television, maybe just flashlight..

Badui is located in Banten, about 6 hours from Jakarta, and after we arrive at Badui Luar, we must walk / a little bit treking about 4 hours/10 km (hmm,,i forget actually..;P)..and we can enjoy the panorama there..the river, hills, the cold air and comforting place..

We sleep with local villagers in their house,,but there are some rules for foreigners usually western are not allowed in this village, coz they have some problem long time ago maybe with dutch, and many other rules..they keep they rules, and we have to respect their rules..

Maybe you should try sometimes, enjoy our "precious" multy culture in our Indonesia..

Love your country..

Love is some mistery..for a life time..
Not every "thing" you love are meant for you..
Enjoy life..
When one door closed for you, God will opened another door..
maybe the same door again..

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