Sunday, June 28, 2009

school of life part 1..when i was travelling..

Long Road Ahead

Go to journey without enough preparation.. life is just about travelling, thats my opinion.. no matter what, you must have faith in your mind.. many problem will occur, preparation is good, but if you get affraid, and think hard about it, you will became confuse, your brain isnt that big after all..;P just put faith in your heart, and prepare your mental..

every problems is just a colour for your journey..

the problem will give you positive effect after all..

makes you more wise, and be more gratefull with your life..

losing atm makes you more aware in spending money..
(but if all of your money in one atm,,good luck for your survival..haha) but the next journey you became more aware bout your stuff..

stomache makes your antibody more stronger, and the next food you eat
wont make you me,hopefully..hahaha.. the next journey you became more stronger in eating local food.. you must try every local food in other's country!!

lost!!no maps, lost in translation too.. makes you more creative in use your body language.. interact with local people..its a good thing..interaction with local.. give you more experience..there are culture exchange, believe me,, your journey became more valuable..

all hotel full a hard test..
try too sleep in the public spaces, such as terminal, station.. its makes you more grateful with your life later.. dont be affraid, just mingle with your society.. believe me that they(people you dont know) isnt that bad as you think about..

and after all just enjoy the journey, enjoy economic public transport, no ac
crowded, sleep in the floor, believe me when you arrive at your destination you will be more gratefull, and appreciate your every single minute..

tryin hard and you will journey will be more memorable..

and nothing matters except love and life you make..enjoy..

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