Monday, February 20, 2012

School of Life part 27 : Time we waste

We have 168 Hours a week.

Every day we spent almost 10 hours at the office.

Everyday we spent 3 hours during the way to the office and also during weekend.

Lets say we sleep normally 8 hours per day.

This is your time, have you done something you love in 24% of your time, I believe this 24% of your time just to chit chat with your lover or your family, watch television, go to the mall.

Lets say what do the office do for you while you sick, hmmm just pay for the bill. But who accompany you during your sickness, family right?But how much time you spent with family?

Hmm even some office not even fair, late for 1 minutes is considered, and work until late is only responsibility. It is senseless for them.

People mostly, including me, are still trapped in a worker mindset, we are teached to work at multi national company, study hard, work hard to get money.

But no schools teach to be an enterpreneur, no schools teah how to reach your dream, no schools teach how to live.

Im fighting with my mind to get out from this mindset, I resign from my job three times, none of them give me a reason to stay as a worker.

But again i need more time to gain new perpective, maybe one more job and I can really quit and become enterpreneur J.

Love yourself

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